I received a notice yesterday afternoon that i have a package waiting for me at the Post Office.
I had a feeling that it had something to do with the boots i won from Chictopia. It was the only package i was expecting. I knew it just had to be it.
I purposely dressed drab in a baggy shirt and a pair of leggings (there's a reason behind that) hurriedly went to the Post Office today with my mom. Now, the thing with Post Offices is that we all have to pay the taxes, plus other shit i don't remember. So i knew i had to pay for something. When we got there, a man was in line before me. I noticed the old lady behind the counter who seemed like she didn't like her job (maybe because she was underpaid, or she's stuck in a crappy office, or maybe she just had a bad day...for 12 years. )
She was rude. She threw the paper and pen for the man to sign. I took a deep breath and waited in line. Then came my turn. I smiled my sweetest smile at this old lady and handed her my PO notice. She smiled back and said i had a pretty tan. Smiled quickly turned into a frown when this girl behind me cut in and gave her PO notice. Old lady was back to her rude self again. Boy, that was short.
The old lady left, and came back with my package. It was a huge box. She opened it, and out came my boots! My lovely boots, in their own bags. Old lady called in the Customs lady to inspect the items and check how much it would cost me for the taxes, etc. So here comes my reason as to why i dressed drab today. Actually, it was more of a strategy. I figured that if i looked like i didn't have money, or look like i can't afford to pay thousands of Pesos, then they'd cut me some slack and not give me a hard time. Let me tell you. It worked.