Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My first outfit post

This is my very first outfit post. I know this doesn't count as a misadventure but what the heck, right? I own the blog.

I got this as a present from my cousin who got in last night from Berlin. It's a cute H&M dress with floral detail. The belt's from Ralph Lauren. Not that you'd care but my watch is from Polo Racquet Club, and i'm wearing a Charriol Bangle. Hah! (That's how fashion bloggers do it, right?) :)

I also scored this cute brown suede belt from Rustans for cheaps! It's from Cignal. Kind of reminds me of an Hermes Belt, but not quite. I got it for P395 only. woot!

I'll try to post more in the future. 


  1. First time visitor here! you did great on your first outfit post.. or what the blogosphere like to call OTD (outfit of the day) post. LOL!

    that belt is a steal! it's gorgeous <3 i followed you on bloglovin pala :)

    <3hazel (

  2. hi hazel! thanks. i think you're the first to comment. hahaha. how do i follow back?


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