Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bucket List

Inspired by Celine Novenario's 30 before 30 project, i decided to come up with my own.
Here's the mechanics:
You list down 30 things that you want to do/accomplish before you hit 30. Once the list has been made, you cannot tweak it.

So here goes my list:
1. Take a 30 day Bikram Yoga Challenge
2. Cook a 5 course meal
3. Live in a foreign country
4. Go spelungking in Sagada
5. Rock out in a music festival
6. Go vegan for a month
7. Visit the Mayan ruins
8. Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
9. Pack up and go somewhere without an itinerary Baler trip with friends
10. Design a bag/shoe
11. Ride a Vespa in Paris
12. Eat a hotdog in NYC
13. Surf in Hawaii
14. Skinny dip at midnight Puerto Galera, forgot the year :(
15. Participate in a big street party
16. Run a marathon (i took a big gulp when i wrote this down)
17. Learn how to ice skate
18. Jump off a waterfall
19. Learn another language  currently learning German
20. Win an award, trophy or prize Shoes from Chictopia
21. Win big in a casino
22. Scuba dive
23. Get something named after you A friend named a drink after me!
24. Ride a gondola in Venice
25. Be an extra in a film
26. Eat traditional food in a foreign country
27. Fire walk
28. Learn to snowboard
29. Ride a giant rollercoaster
30. Have my fortune told

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